It's Always (Chocolate) Tea Time

It's Always (Chocolate) Tea Time

Our favorite new product? Chocolate tea- better known as roasted cacao husk. Honeymoon Chocolate’s chocolate tea is made from the husk of cacao beans. After roasting our cacao, we separate the husk and the nib (inside portion of the bean). The separation of the two occurs through winnowing. The resulting amount of husk is sifted to remove smaller particles that would slip out of a tea infuser, and it is added to our bags. Each bag contains about 15 servings of tea.

Our chocolate tea has all of the wonderful benefits of cacao itself, as the chocolate husk it is made of is bi-product of cacao beans. This means that the tea contains zinc, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B and magnesium. It also contains antioxidants which can help reduce the risk of heart disease and some types of cancer. Our chocolate tea does not include sugar which makes it a sugar free alternative to a sweet coffee for anyone with diabetes. It is also low in calories which makes it a great addition to any healthy diet.

We love using our chocolate tea as a coffee replacement for mornings when you want to wake up in the morning without coffee jitters. Our tea features a strong dose of theobromine which produces stimulation comparable to caffeine. The flavor of the brewed cacao husk tea is similar to a black tea with a rich, chocolate aroma. Our favorite way to enjoy Chocolate Tea is to add honey and cream.

The packaging for our chocolate tea is like all other HM Chocolates packaging, eco-friendly and compostable. You can find our chocolate tea on our website and at farmers markets in St. Louis.



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